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3 Ways Being A Coach Will Change Your Life

Oct 01, 2018



I have this vivid image in my head of the days when I was working. It is me, sitting at my desk just after eating my lunch, and I am ready to fall asleep right there and then. I can remember thinking at that moment how long it would be until my afternoon tea break, so that I could get my caffeine hit and only have a couple of hours left in my day. I also remember always feeling like I was a caged animal and had nowhere to spread my wings and fly. It was the most awful feeling to have daily, it felt like I was slowly dying in my office cubicle. 

I can’t explain to you the joy that it gave me to finally accept my calling into becoming a coach and seeing my energy levels lift. When I signed the dotted line to enrol into the coaching course, it felt like the weight of the world was suddenly lifted off my shoulders. Suddenly, I could feel purpose and meaning being injected straight back into my life. And with that, I had the courage and strength to do what was needed to make my coaching life a success and get out of that cubicle ASAP. 

Now that I am a few years into my coaching journey, I can look back and see 3 definable ways that coaching has changed my life. And here they are…  

Fulfilment on a Deep Level 

When I worked in the corporate world I felt like I was just a number, that I was there for a job and outside of that no one really gave two shits. It was dog eat dog, and no one really had my back. It was a jungle to say the least, and I felt less than inspired going into the office every day feeling like, in the grand scheme of things, I didn’t really matter.

Coaching changed that. Entirely.

I don’t think I can adequately give justice to the moment when a client turns around and thanks you for changing their life. No words can do it justice. But I will try.

To know that you have impacted another human beings’ life is quite simply breathtaking. There is no other feeling like it in the world. I liken it to the moment when your child first says, ‘I love you mum’. You get that warm, unexplainable feeling inside that makes your heart beam with joy. That is what it is like. You have changed another person forever, and in that moment, life has meaning, it has value and you feel fulfilled in the same way as you did when your child told you they loved you.

Purpose and Energy

In the same way that coaching gave me fulfilment on a deep level, it also gave me a sense of purpose and energy that I had been lacking my whole life.

I have always been a kind of lethargic individual, always tired, always needing naps, not really feeling a great sense of energy and vitality. Even in my high school days I remember falling asleep in maths class and my teacher having to wake me up. And then in my adult days with young children, all I would want to do is sleep on the weekends. When I realised this about myself, it depressed me a little bit to think of how much of my life was wasted feeling lethargic, flat and generally uninspired. 

I know I cannot go back and change the time that I lost feeling this way, but I certainly have committed now to consistently feeling that sense of energy, drive, passion and purpose. It permeates every single area of my life now. And once again, I can put that down to entering this life of coaching. 

What coaching gave me is more than tangible items like money and objects, it really did give me a whole new lease on life, I liken it to a new beginning. When I get up in the morning I truly am grateful for my life and everything in it. I wake up, I take my dogs for a walk, I come home and meditate, eat breakfast and then start my day. All the while feeling good on the inside because I feel truly at peace with myself and what I am doing. I start the day feeling good, with energy, and then continue my day with the same sense of purpose and fulfilment.

I would not change it for the world.

Better Relationships with your Family

I always thought that the way you deal with your family was always just going to ‘be that way’. It was set in stone the way that they dealt with me and each other, and there was nothing that I could do about it.

OH How wrong I was!

I had no idea that by entering the coaching world that not only would I revolutionise myself, but I would revolutionise the way I communicated and felt about my family too. 

I will give you an example, because a story can tell so much more. 

Prior to starting to coach my mum and I had a strained relationship. She would get angry, and I would pull away from the relationship. It was the way we had been my whole life, for as long as I could remember. And I started seeing the same pattern with my daughter too. It was a vicious cycle that I could not get out of, and really, I didn’t even know that I COULD get out of it all it. Like I said, it just was ‘the way things were’. And quite frankly, at that point I did not even know what a pattern of behaviour was, and that patterns of behaviour could be influenced, changed and healed!

The thing about coaching is, you not only use the tools you learn on your clients, but you use them on yourself too. It is walking the talk, in the best way possible. 

Being able to use these tools of coaching, plus the profound insights into human behaviour and psychology, allowed me to use these insights with regards to the relationships with women in my life. I was able to dissect the patterns completely, change the way I responded to my family and in doing so I was left with more open, honest and most importantly loving relationships with the women around me. 

If I was to get nothing but those amazing relationships with the people around me, this whole journey would have been worth it. Because the people around me and the experiences I have with them shape my life, and I am so incredibly thankful for what I have now learned.

This has been by far the most rewarding experience of my life. It has opened my eyes in ways I could never have imagined. It has changed my life in ways that I did not think were possible. 

I am thankful and grateful every single day of my life for being a coach.

Leading From The Front,

Gab D

PS: If you’re interested, here are 2 ways we can help you become an exceptional leader and coach: 

  1. Join the Ignite Coaching Inner Circle and learn the skills to coach, motivate and lead the people around you to their highest potential.

It’s our free Facebook community where like-minded individuals come to grow and connect – Click Here

  1. Book in a free 30min Coach Chat and let us unblock you!

This is a free, no obligation session where we work on removing the blocks that are holding you back from moving forward and making a real difference in your life and in the lives of the people around you – Click Here

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