Are You Growing Or Hiding
Sep 20, 2018For those of you who know me quite well (or even those of you who don’t), I identify very easily with the people-pleasing parts of my personality.
I like people to like me. And for the most part, this has really served me in my life. It has allowed me to create amazing friendships and relationships around me, helps me connect with people and allows people to feel really safe around me.
What I have really noticed during times of conflict in my life is the tendency for me to move away from the conflict and to shy away from having hard conversations in order to keep the people-pleasing parts of my personality feeling happy, safe and secure (and to keep others happy too!)
I was recently required to have a really hard conversation with someone who had done something that had put my business at risk. These pleasing and ‘keep the peace’ parts of my personality came up strongly and wanted nothing more than to put my head in the sand and hope that the problem went away - they just didn’t want to go through the conflict!
But in staying true to doing what was required to protect myself, my business, my team and my family - I had the conversation and took the action that was required.
I didn’t enjoy it. It wasn’t fun. But it needed to be done and I went through an incredible amount of growth in the process and learned so much about myself and what I am capable of.
No one likes conflict and doing the ‘hard thing’ - even when it’s required. But I guarantee that if you do take action and do the thing that is hard that you have been putting off - it’s always worth it.
Here’s To Your Journey
Josh Stone
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