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Breaking Free Of The Boundaries Of Limiting Beliefs

ignite tv Aug 18, 2017

Coaching clients will often turn up at your door and the first thing they say is "I want to live a different life and I want a different reality for myself. I don't know how I got here but I want something more - can you help me?"

As soon as your client starts to go here in their communication to you, it is their way of telling you that they are ready. Ready to explore a different way of living, acting and behaving. Ready to explore a different and more fulfilling life - a life that is true for them - and not just a life developed unconsciously through doing what they think they should be doing (to please others) rather than what they want to be doing.

Check out today's episode below of the Coaches Corner where we explain how you actually go about helping your client explore new possibilities for themselves outside of the currently confining boundaries of their beliefs, thoughts and patterns.


To Your Legacy,

Josh, Perry & Gab

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