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Choose Your Own Adventure – Stay Where You Are Or Start Moving Forward

blog Apr 26, 2019

There are points in your life when you will come to a crossroads, and you can either go back into safety, or you can bravely venture into the unknown.

The problem with this is, many people do not know how to venture into the unknown with a warrior spirit. Most people will habitually choose the safe road because that is the only way they know how. Except, that crossroads won’t ever fully go away (it will keep knocking on your door), and for these people that choose safety, a lot of the time a crisis will come crashing down on them and they will be forced to make a change.

So, what then does it mean to bravely venture into the unknown?

Bravely venturing into the unknown is when you do the following.

1) Something in life starts to become uncomfortable, it starts to annoy you, bug you, get on your nerves, you don’t like living that way anymore. It creeps up on you over time, and you start to recognise it and become aware that something is different =.

For example, I had a client that for a few months or so they would get a niggle about how they were spending money. They started to get really uncomfortable about what they were spending money on when they were spending money and how. This hadn’t been an issue their whole life but at this point in their life, they started realising that it was becoming an issue to them.

2) You then become AWARE that there is a pattern of behaviour at play that you have had your whole life. These niggles that you have had for months were trying to show you something you had never seen before. Because the old pattern of behaviour ‘was you’. Now there is something inside of you that recognises this pattern of behaviour is out of alignment with WHO YOU WANT TO BE and YOUR GOALS.

For example, my client recognised after months of miniscule moments of uncomfortable feelings and niggles that they had a massive lifelong pattern of denial around money, they hated looking at numbers, they spent too much, and they weren’t in control on any level financially. This stemmed from a lifetime of being propped up by their family and having someone to rely and fall back on, they were dependent on every level. However, they also consciously recognised their goal now was to be financially independent and do it on their own.

Hence, life was showing them where they were out of alignment with their goals and who they want to be. There started to become a conflict between the old and the new.

3) Now, this is where it gets interesting because it is like choose your own adventure from this point because you can either:

a. Choose to do what you have done your whole life because it is safe, and it is comfortable and nothing has to get gritty or gross (which at this point you will get sick, or will be tested or will have a plethora of things happen). At this stage, if you choose this option you start to repress emotions on a deep level which causes stress, anxiety, illness, clumsiness etc. etc. This is how people stay stuck their whole lives because they are unwilling to face what is knocking. The feelings are too big, or too scary or they cannot imagine what life would be like without the structures they have built and become so safe within.


b. You choose to take the brave path of the warrior within. This means that you take the information you have digested over the months, you take the awareness of the pattern that has been hindering you and what you want to become (you may need help deciphering what this is, seek help), and you use that to move FORWARD and start to re-wire neural pathways in your brain to BECOME who it is you want. It is all about the LITTLE CHOICES you make every single day and what ACTION you can make next that will support the new reality.

THIS is venturing into the unknown. It is uncomfortable, it is horrible, it sucks, you swing back and forth, it is confusing. But ultimately it is the only way to remain healthy, conscious and in alignment with moving forward towards what it is you want.

For my client, it was then about making choices every single day that on one hand scared the shit out of her and made her feel very unsafe (as she had no one to fall back on), and on the other hand made her feel empowered and proud of herself. She made financial decisions based on independence, longevity, increasing disposable income, having a budget and all the things she was never taught to do. It may seem simple to some people, but for those that are never taught a skill it is downright frightening.

It takes constant input and action to teach yourself that you can rely on yourself and that you are CAPABLE. This goes for any new skill or action taken in life.

It takes a warrior spirit to truly embrace change of a fundamental level, as you are literally re-wiring decades of behaviour that are entrenched in the recesses of your mind.

But it is your choice, and it is your adventure.

Choose wisely.


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