Fear Is Energy - Use It To Create!!
Oct 08, 2018In today’s post I want to share with you a really exciting and quite profound shift I have been through personally which will help you reframe the way you look at and deal with fear. And it’s all about energy.
For a large portion of my life, I really looked at fear and the emotions that arose in me whenever I experienced fear as negative and debilitating and this fear that I experienced really prevented me from taking any kind of action that put me outside my comfort zone.
I’ve been doing a lot of research and reading lately on the energy of the human body and to put it simply - we are a constant source of energy.
We have the ability (if we treat our bodies right - get the right amount of sleep, eat healthy food and exercise etc.) to constantly fuel ourselves and have the energy we need to achieve all of our goals and ambitions.
In the same light - when we experience fear in our bodies (fear of public speaking, fear of approaching and talking to someone, fear of taking action etc.), we often get taken over by these horrible feelings and in order to stop feeling these emotions we stop taking the action and back down.
But what I have realised is that we actually generate an incredible amount of energy when we feel fear (often our bodies are buzzing with nervous energy) and the biggest shift I have gone through is actually redirecting this energy into supporting me to take the actions that I need to keep moving forward.
So the next time you experience fear in your body, see if you can allow yourself to redirect this fearful and nervous energy into taking the very action that is making you fearful. It has been a game changer for me and I hope it is for you too.
Here’s To Your Journey
Josh Stone
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