Feeling Not Good Enough Is Your Pathway To Happiness
Feb 21, 2019Here is why…
I think that we need to reframe what it means when we tell ourselves we are not good enough for something. I can guarantee most people on this earth will feel really crappy about themselves when they start feeling not good enough for something.
Truth is, feeling not good enough is your open door to a new future… if you let it be.
I will tell you a story to illustrate.
A friend and I were on a boat on New Year’s Day. I have never in my life driven a boat before. Would have no idea how to do. Completely foreign to me. She had never driven a boat either.
Whilst we were enjoying the sun and beer and the nature surrounding us, the guy driving the boat wanted a break and asked if I wanted to ‘give it a shot’. For a moment I thought ‘fuck me, I don’t know how to do this’. I grabbed hold of the steering thing (lol, don’t even know the name of it), and I kept f*cking it up. I kept steering left when I meant right and getting all confused. I did it twice and I kept apologising, kept thinking to myself I wasn’t good enough. A couple of times we went in circles. I thought for a moment about giving up, but I didn’t. I kept persevering. Not matter how many times I beat myself up, felt like a failure and felt stupid… I kept going.
After giving myself about 30 minutes and many near death experiences, I had learned to drive the boat fluently.
My friend on the other hand. She did the same thing as me. Took hold of the steering thing (lol). Stuffed up 3 times. Made fun of herself. Could see the look on her face. And she gave up.
You see, that is what so many of us do when we start to feel not good enough. We beat ourselves up. We tell ourselves we are a failure. We tell ourselves everyone is laughing. We tell ourselves we can’t do it.
We give up.
But I have learned something over the past 5 or so years.
I have learned that when I start to feel not good enough, it means that I am learning something new. When I start to feel not good enough, I am about to become really good at something. When I start to feel not good enough, I get to prove to myself that I am worthy and that I am capable and that when I am resilient, I always make it through. There is nothing I cannot learn.
Feeling not good enough does not mean you are doing something wrong, it means that you are doing something RIGHT. It means you are expanding, growing, pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone.
The next time you think you are not good enough, tell yourself… ‘I am only feeling this, because I have not grown in this area yet, what is this teaching me?’
It is the greatest growth tool. Ever. Each time you come back to yourself and reaffirm your worth you are getting better, stronger and full of grit.
PS: If you’re interested, here are 2 ways we can help you become an exceptional leader and live an extraordinary life:
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