Has Conflict Got You Weak At The Knees?
Oct 11, 2018
“The art of leadership is saying no, not yes. It is very easy to say yes.”
Tony Blair
I know, and have worked with, so many people that back away from conflict at a million miles per hour. One sniff of confrontation and they back down into a corner and let others have their way. We are all leaders in our life in some way. Whether that be in a leadership role in your career, as a business owner, as an influencer, or even as a parent.
A fear of conflict seriously diminishes not only your leadership ability, but also the health and quality of your relationships and life.
How would you know you your fear of conflict was limiting your ability to lead?
Here are a few triggers;
- You feel like people always talk over the top of you
- You are scared that people won’t like you if you have an opinion
- You give 2,3,4,5, infinity chances…
- You wouldn’t know how to discipline, even if you tried
And in what ways does it limit your ability to lead?
- Your fear of conflict will stop you from having the tough conversations with team members and staff. Therefore, actions and behaviours slide, the efficiency of your team goes downhill, and then you lose your motivation and ability to thrive
- The fact that people (staff, customers, family, friends) can get away with a lot (they know unconsciously that you won’t retaliate or have boundaries) means that you are going to on some level be resentful and experience less and less enjoyment and fulfilment over time.
- Lack of discipline means lack of the right culture, people know there are others getting away with things so they will push it too. This results in poor staff retention or just outright bad attitudes from certain team members.
A fear of conflict can stem from lots of things; either you were around a lot of conflict growing up so became fearful of it, or you were taught that conflict and anger were NOT ok, they made you a ‘bad person’ or you were in a family of people pleasers that defined themselves by being ‘good people’ that were always giving and loving (hence anger being repressed and pushed away).
What made YOU fear conflict?
Whichever reason it is, your fear of conflict is limiting your leadership and success, and not only is it affecting those around you, it also affects your personal relationships and life.
Always leading from the front,
If you know that you struggle with conflict and would like to understand your unconscious triggers, you can join us in our group ‘The Collective’
We run a live coaching session with a person chosen from the group every Thursday evening at 8pm EST. You can message us and let us know you would like to be worked with!
You can also book in a free 30min Coach Chat to let us unblock you!
This is a free, no obligation session where we work on removing the blocks that are holding you back from moving forward and making a real difference in your life and in the lives of the people around you – Click Here:
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