Have You Been Experiencing Déjà Vu??
Feb 25, 2019Experiencing Deja Vu? Feel like the same things keep happening to you over and over?
Find yourself constantly saying to yourself “I can’t believe I’m here again “?
This is a classic sign of a sabotaging pattern or mindset block
playing out on the unconscious level of your mind which is causing you to create the same outcomes in your life over and over, as opposed to you consciously creating the life and the outcomes that you REALLY want.
Unfortunately things will never change for you if you don’t work to address and shift the underlying unconscious belief systems that are actually pulling on the strings in your mind, causing you to create the same frustrating outcomes in your life.
Let me give you an example using wealth creation:
Say you have a goal to double your income in the next 12 months. You set your goal, you break down the next 12 months into monthly increases in revenue you need to achieve to get to your goal, you get really excited about it and you start taking action.
3 months in - things are working really well and you are on track. Your sales and revenue are up, and you are on track.
6 months in however, things have slipped (without you really noticing too much - such is the power of the unconscious mind!!) and you are back to making what you used to every month before you set your goal.......
You say to yourself “ How the hell did I end up back here”??
So you get even more fired up and start taking MORE action - committed to getting your goal back on track.
9 months in - you are back on track and looking good!
However at the 12 - month mark - you review your sales and finances and realise you are right where you started 12 month ago.........
Unbeknownst to you - you actually have a deeply held pattern on the unconscious level of your mind that believes:
- “I don’t deserve to be wealthy”
- “Rich people are uptight and full of sh!t”
- “I will lose all my friends if I become wealthy”
- "I will be rejected if I become wealthy”
you were working towards your wealth goal and every time you got close to being on track to achieve your goal, it would unconsciously sabotage you and pull you right back to your current level of wealth. All to keep the above belief systems in place.
Hence the experience of Deja Vu.
The good news is that an unconscious block creating the same frustrating outcomes in your life over and over again (Deja vu) can ABSOLUTELY be addressed and worked with.
You just need to have a willingness to want to explore and understand yourself at a deeper level and how your current belief systems are impacting your ability to create the life you REALLY want.
That’s where we come in :)
Live Out Loud
Josh Stone
PS: If you’re interested, here are 2 ways we can help you become an exceptional leader and live an extraordinary life:
1. Join the Ignite Coaching Inner Circle and learn the skills to coach, motivate and lead the people around you to their highest potential.
It’s our free Facebook community where like-minded individuals come to grow and connect – Click Here
2. Book in a free 30 min Coach Chat and let us unblock you!
This is a free, no obligation session where we work on removing the blocks that are holding you back from moving forward and making a real difference in your life and in the lives of the people around you – Click Here
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