How Fed Up Are You with 'Growth’ And ‘Mindset’ And 'Change’
Nov 05, 2018‘Change’ has almost become a cliché. So has ‘mindset’, ‘growth’ and ‘positive thinking’. Bleh.
I want to talk to you today about a quick and easy re-frame in your mind about the change process, without you getting so overwhelmed about the millions of messages and videos out there of ‘helping to achieve your life goals’. WTF does that even mean?
The whole reason we do inner work is that we ultimately want to change right? We want to change aspects of our lives or parts of our personality that are getting us down or frustrating us or holding us back from achieving our goals. We feel stuck somehow and don’t know HTF to change.
What I have noticed is that because of attention the concept of 'change' is getting out there, it has almost become a buzzword. People get so hyped up about changing this and changing that and they end up putting so much pressure on themselves to change and they get too overwhelmed to actually take any action!!
I was talking to a family member recently about this, and we got talking about a super easy re-frame that you can do in your mind that removes the overwhelm and pressure of having to 'change' yourself. Because ‘change’ is big and scary and feels like it is some monumental shift.
The re-frame goes someone a little like this.
Instead of thinking about it as changing an aspect of your life or a part of your personality - think about it like you are making small little shifts in your life.
What are your goals right now? What are you trying to change in your life? How can you start making small little shifts towards your goals? What are 3 small shifts you could make this week that would bring you closer to your goals?
It might be picking up the phone and calling a few potential clients. It might be writing that blog post you have been putting off. It might be eating healthy or exercising more. It might be taking your partner out for dinner or doing something nice for someone. It is about finding a way to do things that is totally different from the mainstream. Because the mainstream is trying to sell you ‘nice’ and commercial’ and ‘easy’.
Do you really want to make the little shifts or do you want to be continually sold something that is getting old?
All these little things matter and all these little things ultimately end up defining who we are and the legacy we leave behind.
Changing can be scary and overwhelming - but making small little shifts towards your goals, now that's doable.
Leading from the front,
Gab & Josh
PS: If you’re interested, here are 3 ways we can help you make these changes for yourself or those you lead:
- Come along to our LIVE workshop – The Power Of You - on the Northern Beaches of Sydney
In this workshop, we will be teaching you the foundations of coaching and working with people and you’ll discover why learning the skills to coach and to lead others is one of the most deeply rewarding things you can do - Click Here
- Join the Ignite Coaching Inner Circle and learn the skills to coach, motivate and lead the people around you to their highest potential.
It’s our free Facebook community where like-minded individuals come to grow and connect – Click Here
- Book in a free 30min Coach Chat and let us unblock you!
This is a free, no obligation session where we work on removing the blocks that are holding you back from moving forward and making a real difference in your life and in the lives of the people around you – Click Here
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