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How Many Times Do Others Walk All Over You?

blog Nov 02, 2018

Truth sometimes has a way of coming up and smacking you in the face. Or maybe it is after you have been walked on one too many times, and you are ready to face the truth.

Recently I discovered just how passive I have been in my life. Just how much of a voice I have not had. Just how much I bend and sway to what other people think and feel. How much I ask permission of other people. How often I look for someone else’s opinion before even checking in with my own.

I realised I was so scared of being disapproved of, and then in my mind I would be abandoned. Left out in the cold because of my beliefs, my feelings and my opinions.

“Others know better than I do”

“I am wrong”

“I always fuck up”

What I realised is that I have never had enough self-worth to recognise when I was being badly treated, I didn’t know what the hell I deserved (in my mind it was nothing) and I kept making excuses for everyone around me. Most of all, I felt guilt and shame for being ‘mad’ at people.

It all comes down to PASSIVITY. Being passive with your voice and your actions. Feeling like you have no right to ask things or want things or need things. Not having a voice to stand up for who you are and what you deserve. If someone did me wrong, and I was owed something, I would literally let it slide by… “oh you know, it isn’t worth the hassle”.

This is being PASSIVE in your life, and this will get you nowhere.

As human beings, we all have the right to be loved, to be respected, to have people who treat us well in our lives, to live in peace, to be proud of who we are and claim our stake in the world.

But these things will never change whilst you are sitting idly by thinking that you have no power in the world. Being victimised, helpless, powerless to change your circumstances. The truth is, in every instance you feel like you have no power… you do. You just choose not to utilise it. Regardless of how vehemently you defend that you don’t.

It takes work. It takes commitment. And most of all, it takes the one thing you fear the most unconsciously… communication. About the things that matter.

Wherever you cannot communicate, you cannot wield personal power.

It is all about the Power of You. 

Leading from the front,


PS: If you’re interested, here are 3 ways we can help you become an exceptional leader and coach:

  1. Come along to our LIVE workshop – The Power Of You - on the Northern Beaches of Sydney

In this workshop, we will be teaching you the foundations of coaching and working with people and you’ll discover why learning the skills to coach and to lead others is one of the most deeply rewarding things you can do - Click Here   

  1. Join the Ignite Coaching Inner Circle and learn the skills to coach, motivate and lead the people around you to their highest potential.

It’s our free Facebook community where like-minded individuals come to grow and connect – Click Here  

  1. Book in a free 30min Coach Chat and let us unblock you!

This is a free, no obligation session where we work on removing the blocks that are holding you back from moving forward and making a real difference in your life and in the lives of the people around you – Click Here 

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