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How To Be Super Effective At Creating Positive Changes In Your Life

blog Jun 16, 2017

One of the biggest challenges we face when trying to make changes in our lives is to actually make the changes stick!

When we finally get to the point where we have worked out what we want to change in our lives and have resolved to make this change, we then come face to face with the tension and the fear of the potential results of our decisions. “My god – what if I actually make these changes……………….what then”?

The biggest challenge we face in making changes in our lives is coming face to face with the fear around the outcomes of our decisions.

 There is a concept that we refer to often in our programs and workshops around creating lasting change and this is the concept of ‘holding your edge’. As we come to ‘our edge’ or the boundary of the known and the unknown, this fear comes up fiercely and strongly.

What many tend to do in this situation is to back down and away from their edge – which serves to allow the intense emotions of fear and doubt to subside, but doesn’t bring us any closer to making positive and lasting changes in our lives.

The key to creating lasting change is to step up to your edge, to understand that there will be fear and to feel this fear, to then continue to hold your edge, to stay with the fear and to keep holding your edge and after a while the fear will subside and changes begin to take place.

For this process to be effective, we also need to understand ourselves as well as our boundaries and limitations and be conscious of these as we move towards making changes in our lives. There is no point ‘jumping in the deep end’ and hoping we come out the other end in one piece! This will only serve to take the tension levels within us from 0 to 100 instantly and will ultimately make us retreat further into ourselves and drive us further away from our goals.

For example, when I first started public speaking I was conscious that this was something that was quite daunting for me. There would have been no point in jumping in and speaking in front of 1,000 people as I would have scared myself to the point of never doing it again. Instead, I developed my skills in this area slowly over time in front of smaller groups of people. Now, public speaking is something that is quite enjoyable for me.

Ultimately, if we want to make positive and lasting changes in our lives, we need to work slowly and consciously with ourselves and all the while maintaining our edge between the known and unknown.


To your legacy,

 Josh Stone

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