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How To Guarantee More Breakthroughs For Your Coaching Clients

ignite tv Jun 21, 2017

In today's video we discuss the most effective ways to coach your clients to incredibly profound breakthroughs.

Now the key concept from today's video - get your clients connected to the parts of their personality that are OPPOSITE to the parts that are currently holding them back. These are the parts of their personality that are going to truly support them in achieving their goals.

That might seem fairly obvious to you, however one of the biggest shortfalls of coaches is that they only work with the 'surface level' issues that their clients are presenting to them. Most coaches aren't prepared to delve into working with their clients unconscious patterns and sub-personalities, which in reality is actually where they will find the parts of their personality which have been buried or repressed and will ultimately support them in moving past their limiting patterns and beliefs.


To your legacy,

Josh & Gab


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