How To Literally Rewire Your Brain And Your Life
Apr 22, 2019One of the things I am fascinated about is brain science. I literally read book after book on the latest studies that are proving the link between our mind, the thoughts that we have every day and our ability to harness this power to create any outcome we want for ourselves in life.
To explain what happens at a very simplified level - the thoughts we have in our mind release chemicals into our system that create an emotional response in our body. As our body releases hormones to continue to create the feelings in our body that match our thoughts, our brain is constantly monitoring the way our body is feeling and will then generate more thoughts that correspond to the way the body is feeling.
More thoughts generate more feelings and more feelings generate more thoughts - this is the thinking and feeling loop.
This thinking and feeling loop creates our state of being - our reality.
Have a go for yourself right now. Practice thinking about something that is quite powerful in your life right now. It might be a hard conversation you have had or know you need to have with someone, it might be about an overseas trip coming up that you’re super excited about, it might be about that presentation that is coming up that you have been preparing for or that promotion you are in the final round of.
Whatever the situation is for you, allow yourself to sit and think about it for a few moments. Notice the almost instantaneous emotional response in your body! How cool is that! That is how closely your mind and your body are connected!
Now for some of you - this concept won’t be so revolutionary - but the real power with this concept comes when you can consciously CHOOSE the thoughts you are having and consciously CHOOSE the emotional response your body generates in response to these thoughts.
Most people are on autopilot. They are having the same type of thoughts every day and this generates the same emotional response in their body. Every day they are stuck in the same type of thinking and feeling loop. Stuck in the same state of being. Stuck in the same reality.
This would be fine if the constant thoughts and the constant feeling responses in their bodies are ones of excitement, joy, love, compassion, abundance and self-worth.
But.....research tells us that 80% of the thoughts we have every day are actually negative. 80%!!!
This means that the vast majority of thinking and feeling loops people are stuck in every day - DO NOT SERVE THEM. In fact, they are detrimental and downright debilitating.
So if earning what you’re really worth, speaking your mind more often, having a hard conversation or dealing with conflict in your team makes your stomach squirm and your heart beat faster and you leave yourself on autopilot - you will never gain true success and changes in these areas of your life - because you will stay stuck in your current thinking and feeling loop.
To move past this and to elevate your mind, your thinking and your life - you will need to create conscious thoughts in your mind and create a corresponding conscious emotional response in your body. The process is to practice thinking about your goals and to then practice feeling what it will be like to achieve these goals. Practice entering into a thinking and feeling loop that serves and supports you achieving your goals.
It might seem weird at first, but with practice and over time this process will allow you to rewire your brain and up level your state of being, your reality and your life.
Live Out Loud
Josh Stone
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