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How You Can Have A Massive Impact On The World!

blog Jun 21, 2017


This week I worked with one of my amazing clients (who also happens to be a coach) who is now at a phase in their life where they are ready (based on the inner work they have done so far) to explore some very deeply held patterns that are still running them and controlling them. It was an INCREDIBLE session and (to their credit and their ability to do good quality inner work) we were really able to dig deep and explore some pretty full on behavioural patterns that have been holding them back and creating experiences that now no longer serve them.

After the coaching session was over (the intense stuff anyway!), I was fortunate enough to grab another 10 minutes of my clients time and we had an amazing conversation about the joy we both still experience in coaching our clients and helping them create positive shifts in their lives.

And it really got me thinking about the world of coaching and how it really does create a life full of connection with those around us as well as a deep sense of fulfillment knowing that you are helping create positive changes in the world.

There is a sense of being part of a community that is genuinely invested in making the world a better place through helping each and every client explore themselves and to live lives that are deeply meaningful to them. 

This is what truly motivates us as coaches to turn up each and every day and do what we do - helping our clients live authentic lives. After all - how great would the world be if everyone understood themselves at a deep level and were all living lives full of meaning and purpose! It would be incredible!

For me, being a coach comes down to one word - fulfillment. The sense of satisfaction and elation when you know what you are doing each and every day, coaching session after coaching session, is having a profound impact on the lives of others and you are literally changing the world - one person at a time.


To your legacy,

Josh Stone

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