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One Technique That Will Make Your Coaching Business Flourish!

ignite tv Jun 21, 2017

It is so important as a coach to learn to notice and then drop all judgment towards whatever pattern is surfacing within your client. Based on our many years of experience coaching our clients and coaching our coaches, it is an absolute truth that the more inner work you do on yourself, the more you explore and own your deepest patterns - the less judgment you will have towards these patterns when they surface in your client. Why? Because you have met and owned this pattern within yourself. You are an example to your client that it is possible to explore this pattern safely and come out the other side OK. As soon as they feel and know this about you, they will instantly feel more at ease with you, they will feel safer opening up to you and most importantly - they will trust you.

In today's video we talk about, as a coach, how do you firstly create that safe container for your clients to feel safe and supported by you and then how do you navigate those more deeply held and 'tricky' patterns with your clients which often contain a lot of emotional charge or 'voltage'.


To your legacy,

Josh & Gab


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