Shine Your Own Light
Sep 24, 2018
Are you aware that the ‘not good enough’ part of your personality and the stories that it tells you every day could be single-handedly preventing you from stepping into and owning who you are and fully shining your own light in this world?
This part of your personality can be quite sneaky and tricky to navigate as it is constantly looking at the people and the world around you and is searching for all the reasons it can find to back up its belief system - that you are not enough.
However, when you really dig deep - whilst it may feel and seem like this part is holding you back in life (which it definitely can be), when you get right down to it, this part is actually just trying to protect you. Its role is to keep you safe.
From its point of view - if you actually put yourself out there and go for your relationship or health or business goals - this ‘not good enough’ part goes into overdrive wanting to then compare you to all of the people who have ‘made it’ before you and all the people who you look up to and it then wants to give you all the reasons why you shouldn’t go for it.
It is happiest when you stay and play small, because when you stay where you are - you are not putting yourself out there, you are not doing things differently and you therefore won’t experience the uncomfortable emotions that surface when you put yourself outside your comfort zone.
This part is very externally focused (because it’s comparing you to the external world), so a great inner work technique to shift and lessen the impact of this part is to actively and consciously shift your awareness inwards.
Inwards to a place of working on self-love and self-acceptance, inwards to a place of being OK with who you are in the moment. So much so, that when you go to take the action towards your goals and to put yourself out there - you are ultimately coming from a strong foundation and place of love and just being OK with being you.
Then an interesting thing starts to happen - it actually doesn’t matter about you compared to others and the world around you anymore. It becomes more about you taking the action because you want to and because you are honouring you and what feels right to you.
For so many of the people that I coach and work with in our coaching and leadership training programs - shifting this pattern and arriving at a place of self-love and self-acceptance has been the single biggest pattern shift for them in their lives - and I want this for you too.
Here’s To Your Journe
Josh Stone
PS: If you’re interested, here are 2 ways we can help you become an exceptional leader and coach:
- Join the Ignite Coaching Inner Circle and learn the skills to coach, motivate and lead the people around you to their highest potential.
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- Book in a free 30min Coach Chat and let us unblock you!
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