Sick Of Being Stuck? Read on…………..
Nov 16, 2018Upper limit blocks - we’ve all experienced them before. As you challenge yourself to be the person that you need to be in order to live the life that you want, as you push yourself up against your current limiting belief systems (sometimes akin to pushing sh!t uphill 🤣) - it’s only natural for you to eventually hit these ‘upper limit’ blocks within yourself.
Let me explain.
Say you currently make $50k per year in your business and your goal is to make $100k per year. Or your goal is to lose 10kg in the next 6 months. Or your goal is to put yourself out there in the world more and you commit to doing consistent and regular social media posts/videos to increase your exposure and following.
Whatever your goal is - you set it and you then start taking committed and dedicated action towards it.
You begin to notice that things are really starting to work for you. You are starting to really gain traction and momentum towards achieving your goal. Spurred on by this success, it’s like a fire is lit inside you! You keep taking the action and with this newfound energy - you are unstoppable. Your goal is in sight!!
And then you wake up one morning and you feel flat and unmotivated like you really couldn’t be arsed taking action anymore. The mere thought of doing anything to continue to go for your goal makes you feel nauseous. You might even feel sick - like you have a head cold. Or you may actually get rundown or sick.
These are all classic signs that you are hitting an upper limit block.
You see we all have unconscious beliefs about how our life should look. These beliefs form a nice little predefined box that these current beliefs systems will allow us to live within. These beliefs and this ‘box’ allow us to feel safe and secure. As long as our life stays within the limits and confines of this box - then we’re ok. We’re not putting ourselves outside our comfort zone and we’re not feeling any uncomfortable emotions. We’re just living safely and securely within our box and that’s just fine......until it’s not.
When we decide to set goals that have us living a life that sits outside of our current box – this starts to challenge our current belief systems.
Then when we start to actually take the action that’s required for us to live a life outside of our current box - this really starts to freak out the parts of our personality that want our lives to stay just as they are.
Then when it looks like we actually might achieve our goals and start to live a life outside of our current box - our brain and nervous system go into overdrive and we experience these classic shutdown symptoms of hitting an upper limit block.
At a brain level - our brain is wired to support us living within our current box. When we challenge our current reality and take regular and consistent action towards living a different life, we actually have to give our brains time to rewire our neural pathways to support us living life differently (essentially our brains are creating a new and bigger box for us to live in). We can’t expect our brains to support us living a different life straight away – it needs time to change and rewire itself.
It super important to note that when you experience these upper limit symptoms, the WORST thing you can do is stop taking action. It might feel like stopping taking action is the path of least resistance (and it kinda is) but it will absolutely mean you won’t achieve your goals. Stopping the action will mean that you quickly lose all the ground that you have made towards achieving your goals and it is reinforcing the belief systems that didn’t want you to change in the first place.
Dial back the action slightly if you need to (if you are feeling super overwhelmed), but please don’t stop!
What I will say is that when you are in this period of navigating and moving through an upper limit block - you will need to look after yourself more so than normal. Drink more water, get more sleep and increase your levels of meditation and exercise.
In summary, when you experience hitting an upper limit block - it’s super important to keep taking action but equally as important to increase your self-care.
Upper limit blocks can be difficult and challenging to navigate but moving through them is absolutely necessary in order for you to step outside of the confines of your current box and step into the life that you want.
Live Out Loud
Josh Stone
PS: If you’re interested, here are 2 ways we can help you become an exceptional leader and coach:
- Join the Ignite Coaching Inner Circle and learn the skills to coach, motivate and lead the people around you to their highest potential.
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- Book in a free 30min Coach Chat and let us unblock you!
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