Sometimes You Need To Let Things Become A Fiery Hot Mess
Mar 04, 2019
We all try so hard to ‘keep it together’, to keep things under control and our emotions under wraps so that we appear on the surface to have it all figured out. So that we appear to our friends and family and the people around us that we have our sh!t together and that we know exactly where we are going, what we want in life and how we’re going to get there.
Well you know what - trying to do that all the time is really bloody draining, incredibly mentally overwhelming and to be honest somewhat dysfunctional when it comes to doing proper inner work and connecting to your deepest truths and the most authentic version of you (not the version of you that you think people want to see....)
Sometimes you actually need to let things unravel a little in your life so that you get to see just how strongly you feel about this aspect of your life. Sometimes you need to let things become a fiery hot mess so that you get to see what is really true and meaningful to you, what you really believe in and what you’re prepared to fight for. Sometimes you need to let things break apart completely so that you get to rebuild your life the way you want it.
If you find yourself holding onto an element or aspect of your life so strongly for fear of it changing or for fear of what might happen - perhaps inspect why you don’t want things to change or why you’re holding on so tightly? Is it serving you holding on so tightly? Are you using up insane amounts of energy trying to keep all the pieces of the puzzle in place? Or might it just be the very best thing for you if you let go, let things unravel and see what happens?
We all fear change. We all fear things being different to how they currently are. But perhaps letting go and embracing change and embracing the new is exactly what you need?
We all say to ourselves during these times in our life:
- “What if this doesn’t work out?”
- “What if I don’t like this change?
- “I’m scared and can’t see a way through this” or;
- “What will others think”?
Catch yourself in these moments and actively change the story you are telling yourself:
- “What if this is the best thing that’s ever happened to me?” or;
- “What if this is the start of something truly amazing and magical for me”?
Get excited! Stop holding on so tightly, let go and let things fall apart a little so that you get to rebuild them how you want. I’m excited for you 😁👊
Live Out Loud
Josh Stone
PS: If you’re interested, here are 2 ways we can help you become an exceptional leader and live an extraordinary life:
- Join the Ignite Coaching Inner Circle and learn the skills to coach, motivate and lead the people around you to their highest potential.
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- Book in a free 30 min Coach Chat and let us unblock you!
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