The Amazing World Of Being A Coach
Oct 22, 2018I have literally just finished a coaching session with my long-term coach – someone who has helped me make incredible shifts in my life – and I’ve got to say that we went pretty deep and explored some pretty full on patterns that have been lingering in my unconscious mind and impacting me both personally and professionally.
It was incredible to be able to see these patterns and beliefs that have been impacting me (with the assistance of my coach) and be able to work with them, explore them and understand them in a lot more detail. Every coaching session I have is always different and they always serve to help keep me on track, keep me exploring myself at deeper and deeper levels and growing as a person.
This coaching session inspired me to share with you just how much I love being a coach and I love being coached.
For me, being coached by someone else is invaluable. Having someone who works with me regularly, who knows me, who has the ability to go deeply with me, who understands my blind spots and can help me see and work with my unconscious patterns and what’s holding me back – has literally been a game changer for me.
Being coached has helped me open up doors, both personally and professionally, that I never knew were there, it has helped me evolve as a person and it has helped me tap into and connect to my unique gifts, my purpose and my mission in life.
I honestly wouldn’t be the person I am today, living the life that I am, if it weren’t for my coach.
Now, being a coach. I got into the coaching industry many years ago because I wanted to help people. I had been having coaching sessions for a number of years prior, doing my inner work, exploring my patterns and beliefs, understanding and working with both the parts of my personality that supported me achieving my goals and the parts that were holding me back – and I LOVED it.
I became a coach because I wanted to help others have a deeper understanding of themselves and how they operate, help them through their own breakthroughs and help them experience the same levels of clarity as I was experiencing due to the inner work I was doing.
I love working with my coaching clients and seeing them moving and growing, putting themselves outside of their comfort zone, taking action towards their goals and vision for their life, understanding themselves at deeper levels and becoming much happier and more fulfilled human beings.
For me, knowing that I have helped make a difference in the lives of the people that I work with is incredibly fulfilling and gives me an energy that I never get to experience anywhere else in my life.
Honestly, becoming a coach has been the single most rewarding decision of my career.
And if this resonates with you - I want the same for you too.
Live Out Loud
Josh Stone
PS: If you’re interested, here are 3 ways we can help you become an exceptional leader and coach:
- Come along to our LIVE workshop – The Power Of You - on the Northern Beaches of Sydney
In this workshop, we will be teaching you the foundations of coaching and working with people and you’ll discover why learning the skills to coach and to lead others is one of the most deeply rewarding things you can do - Click Here
- Join the Ignite Coaching Inner Circle and learn the skills to coach, motivate and lead the people around you to their highest potential.
It’s our free Facebook community where like-minded individuals come to grow and connect – Click Here
- Book in a free 30min Coach Chat and let us unblock you!
This is a free, no obligation session where we work on removing the blocks that are holding you back from moving forward and making a real difference in your life and in the lives of the people around you – Click Here
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