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The Missing Ingredient In The Boardroom

blog May 09, 2019

How often do you come into a conversation and it frustrates the life out of you? Or you make decisions with another person and it isn’t what you wanted? Or the simple fact that you cannot stand the person talking to you.

Now, what if I was to tell you there was a way to overcome all of these problems? It is the missing ingredient in the boardroom. 

I want to start this with what happens in OUR boardroom, as a contrast to what happens in every business I have ever worked with. 

We have a business strategy session every Wednesday morning. And before we even begin to make decisions about the business, we start the conversation with what patterns we both have that are going to impact the decisions we make and how successful the business is. 

Our conversations go something like this: 

“I make decisions too quickly without considering all of the facts and all elements, and it can cause the business to have to pick up the pieces and change direction too quickly. I can also make the wrong decision because I didn’t consider things for long enough” 


“I know that I hold back sharing content because it makes it really uncomfortable for me to be seen and to be in the spotlight” 

“Ok, so we are creating a marketing strategy that is based on x amount of content going out every week, what can you keep yourself accountable to and how will you remain aware?” 

“I know I need to keep an eye on how anxious I get and how I stop myself creating any videos, I will commit to 1 a week and keep notice of my feelings” 


“I recognised in this past week that I get really angry when you don’t make decisions quickly enough and it slows down the process of moving the business forward.” 

And a discussion then happens on how that impacts us, what we can do about it and what the right course of action is. How we can USE that information to benefit the business, because knowledge is power and understanding these parts of us makes sure we DETOUR from those roadblocks. If we don’t know them, we cannot avoid them. 

There is no blame, no anger, no getting angry at each other – because we know that they are just patterns of human behaviour, they are not personal and as long as there is self-responsibility we can move forward.

This is in contrast to businesses that have no idea how they operate and no idea how they make decisions. Every person’s ego, patterns and behaviour and unconsciously absorbed in the boardroom and the direction and decisions in the business, which can keep loops of dysfunctionality and sabotage going. Most boardrooms become full of people who are triggered by each other, have people they can’t stand, the biggest ego wins, and decisions are made every day that are not congruent with the vision and the long-term success.

Whether you are a small business or a large corporation, the ability to bring an awareness into a boardroom at this level amplifies the ability to move the business ahead and create real and substantial growth. Rather than owners, employees and leaders placing the blame on those around them, they have the ability to become aware, reflect and take self-responsibility for how their own psyche has a part to play in the expansion, or contraction, of the business.

This is the missing ingredient in the boardroom. 

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PS: If you’re interested, here are 3 ways we can help you become an exceptional leader and live an extraordinary life:

  1. Book in a free 30min Coach Chat and let us unblock you!

This is a free, no obligation session where we work on removing the blocks that are holding you back from moving forward and making a real difference in your life and in the lives of the people around you – Click Here 

  1. Join the Ignite Coaching Inner Circle and learn the skills to coach, motivate and lead the people around you to their highest potential.

It’s our free Facebook community where like-minded individuals come to grow and connect – Click Here 

  1. Download our free video training – “How To Nail Change & Make It Stick”.

Learn how you can successfully navigate the change process and live a life that you LOVE through a deepened understanding and awareness of yourself – Click Here

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