Want to achieve you and your teams’ big goals? Then start setting the bar PAINFULLY LOW
Sep 27, 2018We are taught, or maybe should I say brainwashed, day in and day out (especially through social media) that you need to have REALLY BIG GOALS. The bigger the better. Make them massive. If you don’t have big dreams, you're basically dead. Lol.
I am serious though. It has become the ‘sexy’ commercial thing to do to sell this idea that bigger is better. And while that is all well and good, how the hell are you meant to achieve this big audacious goal? And how are we meant to teach others to achieve their big audacious goals if we cannot do it for ourselves? Are you meant to have this monumental leap in consciousness and suddenly wake up and it is on your doorstep?
That is what it feels like is supposed to happen.
Not only is this unrealistic and it is setting yourself up for failure, it is also the start of making you feel incredibly anxious because… guess what… if you don’t achieve it ASAP you are a big fat failure. Well, you start feeling that way at least.
Do you want to know what we are not taught? How to make the big dreams happen.
If you want a mantra, make it this:
“I have big dreams, small goals and I aim low every day.”
And what does that mean? What does it look like?
It means doing the really unsexy stuff that nobody is going to celebrate you for, but will create the habits needed to get to the big dream. It is about creating manageable and realistic goals, that you CAN achieve. And within these goals, you take little bitty micro steps that you can achieve and that ACTUALLY start to make you feel good about yourself (because traditional thinking certainly does not make you feel good along the way).
I am going to give you an example.
My big dream was to fit a size 8 bikini (LOOOOOOOOOOL). But for reals, it would be nice – right? Just like that $200,000 pay cheque, or CEO of the company would be nice. Hence the ‘big dream’.
Ok, so, if I wanted to think about being a size 8 bikini model, normal conventional thinking would be: “OK GAB, you are going to cut out all sugar and coffee and carbs overnight. I am going to make a vision board. I am going to start using my diary AND I am going to start going to the gym. I AM DOING IT THIS TIME, FOR REALS THOUGH.”
This is where the big dreams have little or no substance to be achieved. Because what happens in 7 days … I get 7 days in, eat some crap, feel too tired for the gym and then I feel like I have ruined the big dream and then guess what, I feel like a big fat failure so I stop.
“I have big dreams, small goals and I aim low every day.”
If this is my mantra to the big dream, what did my journey look like?
It meant that my small goal was to lose 1KG (and in the world, we live in this is SUCHHHH an unsexy goal). But, truth be known it was 1KG.
If I was still in conventional thinking I might rush back to the idea that I need to cut everything out of my diet straight away. INSTEAD, I chose to aim really really low and do ONE thing that could change the course of my health, and my life.
I chose to cut out milk. Yep. You heard it. I cut out milk. Just out of my coffee. That’s it.
And then what did I do? I cut out sugar from my coffee. Nothing else. Just sugar and milk from my coffee. And then what was next? I changed Coke to Coke No Sugar. And then? Soft Drink once a week. And then? I started taking juice plus. And then? I took a probiotic. And the story keeps unfolding from there. Each step taking sometimes weeks at a time.
The result? I have not ever been healthier in my life. I wake up feeling refreshed and alive. I have energy. I have FUN. This result is WAY bigger and better than my original goal. And you know what? I love myself and my body more than ever… because I am healthy and feel good every day.
That big dream was never going to be achieved, or become way bigger than it originally was if I dreamed big and aimed high.
This goes for every single area of your life, and the lives of those around you that you are trying to impact and lead. But, it needs to start with you first. First comes wisdom, then comes the teaching.
So, how can you dream big and aim really really low?
It is the pathway to all success.
“I have big dreams, small goals and I aim low every day.”
Leading from the front,
Gab D
PS: If you’re interested, here are 2 ways we can help you become an exceptional leader and coach:
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