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Why Helping Others Will Ignite Your Life

blog Oct 08, 2018


Have you ever felt the rush and elation knowing you have made a difference in someone else’s life? Have you gotten to experience the deep sense of fulfilment and honour that comes with helping someone step outside their comfort zone and take the action that’s necessary to live a life that’s deeply fulfilling to them?

Well I have - and it’s awesome.

Just today I was talking with a long-term coaching client who is seriously nailing it. They are a coach themselves (someone who has trained with me) and they have set themselves some pretty big goals this year. Already this year they have spoken at two events, attracted a number of coaching client opportunities, helped organise and market their own workshops and stepped outside of their comfort zone time after time to pursue their dreams.

And the best part is that I have the honour of being right there with them on their journey as their coach. I get to catch up with them every month and listen to their journey, help them stay conscious of their blind spots and blocks that could be impacting them and help them stay accountable to themselves, their dreams and vision. 

I remember one coaching session about a month ago when they were getting ready for their next live speaking event. They were explaining to me that they were in the process of moving house and that the only weekend they could organise the house move on was the same weekend as their speaking engagement - “oh well” they said, “I’ll just have to give up the speaking event”.

I paused, knowing that this was a pretty critical moment in the coaching session. I knew full well that they were being impacted by the sabotaging parts of their personality that didn’t want them speaking in public, but I needed them to see this for themselves and own the decision (not me telling them what they should do).

(Side note – a good coach never tells or directs their clients. They should only ever act as a guide to help their clients see their patterns for themselves and to help them take ownership of the process and their decisions).

I thought for a moment and then asked them, “are you sure you can’t you do both”? 

The line went quite for a moment (I could literally hear them thinking and observing themselves), then they said, “oh yeah, I suppose I actually could do both if I rearranged things a little bit”. 

PS - this particular client is awesome at their own introspection and seeing when they are blocking themselves. 

Their saboteurs (the parts of their personality that didn’t want them speaking because they were afraid) had them totally convinced that they would need to pass up on a speaking engagement, something that is directly in alignment with their purpose and mission, in order to move house (something that could be done on a totally different day!!). 

This is the power of the unconscious mind. 

This is why I feel so humbled to be a coach as I get to help my coaching clients stay on track and stay true to their mission and purpose in life by helping them navigate their tricky unconscious patterning. 

Honestly, becoming a coach has been the single most rewarding decision of my career. 

And if this resonates with you - I want the same for you too. 

Live Out Loud 

Josh Stone 

PS: If you’re interested, here are 2 ways we can help you become an exceptional leader and coach:

  1. Join the Ignite Coaching Inner Circle and learn the skills to coach, motivate and lead the people around you to their highest potential.

It’s our free Facebook community where like-minded individuals come to grow and connect – Click Here 

  1. Book in a free 30min Coach Chat and let us unblock you!

This is a free, no obligation session where we work on removing the blocks that are holding you back from moving forward and making a real difference in your life and in the lives of the people around you –Click Here 


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